Jay, The Angry Progressive

Commentary on political views of the pros and pundits who get paid to play the game.

Ford vs. Corker -- A Family Case Study

I spent the weekend in my hometown of Memphis, attending a friend's wedding and trying to get a feel for the Senate race there. Based on my conversation with my Uncle, I don't feel great about the D's chances to pick up Bill Frist's seat.

My Uncle is a retired small business owner. He says emphatically that he's a Democrat. He voted for Kerry, Gore, and Clinton once. But he likes Corker over Ford, Jr. because Corker is running as a self made man who knows how to run a business. He distrusts Ford, Jr., considers him tainted as a career politician. I pointed out to my Uncle that Tom Delay is also self made and knew how to run a business. I also argue that, in a sense, Ford, Jr. is self made because he's elevated his political career well beyond anyone else in his family due to his intellect and charisma. Perhaps my Uncle will read this and be moved to vote for the Dem.

"So," you're saying, "what does one guy's vote have to say about the outcome of the Senate race in Tennessee?" Well, hopefully nothing. But it re-emphasized to me the importance of Howard Dean's 50 State Plan. Dem's have done a much better job in this cycle of finding and running quality candidates. I believe Harold Ford, Jr. is one of them. And it must continue. Reasonable people in all districts will vote for quality candidates.

On a positive note, My Aunt says she and my Uncle might as well not go to the polls because their votes for TN-Senate are going to cancel each other out. She said, "I wouldn't vote for God if he were running as a Republican." Let's hope there's more like her out there on Nov. 7.

posted by The Angry Progressives @ 8:40 AM,


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